① The purpose of Japan PlugFest is to provide the opportunity of connection test to improve interoperability in between equipments under test. Japan PlugFest shall not give any guarantee or certificate to each party of Japan PlugFest.
② Considering that equipments under test at Japan PlugFest may not have been officially announced for the market yet, the Receiving party agrees, with respect to any
Confidential information received by it from the Disclosing party at Japan PlugFest, to hold the Confidential information in the strictest confidence and not to disclose the same to any third person without obvious permission of the Disclosing party.
“Confidential information” shall mean any and all technical and non-technical information and test results of a confidential nature disclosed by the Disclosing Party at Japan PlugFest.
③ The Receiving party agrees to use Confidential information only in examining the compatibility of the equipment to which Confidential information belong.
④ Each party of Japan PlugFest shall not guarantee any information, test results, and
disclosed Confidential information.
⑤ Each party of Japan PlugFest shall not guarantee equipments of any marketability, compatibility to specific purpose, and infringe against intellectual property of third person.
These information, test results, and disclosed Confidential information shall be provided without any guarantee.
⑥ Japan Embedded Systems Technology Association, a sponsor of Japan plug fest, shall not been involved in compensation of damages and any legal responsibilities, caused in Japan PlugFest, against the party or third person.
Copyright © Japan Embedded Systems Technology Association All Rights Reserved.